The ability to trim the talking off the front of the song




  • Official comment

    Hi Michael, thanks for the suggestion! This is often the case with 'Official Video' versions of songs, where typically there's an intro. Whilst we don't currently offer a way to remove parts of a song, I would advise using an unofficial video version of songs where there's a particularly long intro before the music starts. You'll typically find that unofficial versions contain the audio only, so they should avoid the intro before the music begins. Hope this helps! Please contact: if you need anything else.

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  • mikenco

    Could this be done by improving the 'loop' function? i.e. add a preferred "start/end" position to a chordified track in your favourites and the ability to save that setting? I recently suggested that loop might have the ability to have a delayed or metronome ticking cue. Especially useful to start tracks that are fast!

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  • michael

    Yeah that would be fine too, even if the 'loop' function was not global and was just for my saved playlists the same goal would be achieved; to get rid of the taking.  Nice idea.

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  • Ross Brabham

    Even using the ~ indicator for the musical start of the song would be a good enhancement.

    That way you can click just before the ~ start and get the music going without all the lead in dialogue.

    Regards Ross from NZ

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