Bass, just the bass!




  • Official comment

    Hi Hal,

    We've had many requests for bass, but we don't really offer notes specifically for bass since we are mainly focused on chords (and the bass guitar is—traditionally speaking—not really a chord instrument). What you can do, however, is play the root notes of the chords, but this might not match the actual bassline of all songs. Our apologies for the inconvenience!

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  • Martin de Bes

    I don't see the point of not fulfilling the wish for adding bass notes from a principal point of view, whilst there is a huge customer base that requests this feature, and -even more important for you- opens a ton of potential new customers to use chordify. 
    Especially when the basic implementation of the feature is not that much of a hassle. 

    But that's just my 10p

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  • Henry

    Hi Martin, it's not a basic implementation though, that's the thing. Our existing algorithm is focused on extracting chords from audio sources. Providing support for bass means extracting individual notes/melodies, which is completely different to our current algorithm. Please email if you have any questions.

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