Start play with footswitch or delay
Official comment
Hi Larry,
I don't think we will have the capability to support a footswitch any time soon unfortunately, though it would be nice to explore in the future! However we do have a feature specifically for this - the count off feature.
When enabled, this gives you a brief countdown so you have time to pick up your instrument, get ready etc.
I've attached a screenshot below showing where this feature is after opening a song on the website (on the app you can find it to the left of the video player). Please email if we can help further!
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Mark - thank you for the prompt (and good) suggestion. On my iPad I suspect it is what they refer to as “Voice Control “. I never thought of this. I have always been reluctant to turn this feature on (probably paranoia about who might be listening out there). If I don’t receive any equally interesting Bluetooth suggestions, I might give this a try.
Well - I think I have an answer to my own question. I purchased a Bluetooth page turner (Donner) and have gotten it to pair with my iPad and PC (Windows 10). The “space bar “ setting on the turner works well as a play/pause with YouTube and “some “ other apps. With the internet version of Chordify, it works on both PC and iPad. Unfortunately it does not work with the Chordify app on iPad. I “prefer “ to use the app, but can live with using the web version. Hopefully, they are listening and can do the update to make it work with the app.
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