Video unavailable
I as far I look now. There are many people with the same problem. I think is time to quit paying this service.
Yes this happens to me all the time. With 1600 songs in my history the probability odds of a non-paly must be fairly high.
And you know what, It's usually the top artists or bands, eg Eagles, Dixie Chicks, Stones, etc
All the stuff our band plays reqularly.
Yes very annoying. Just greed by the record companies to off-line the YouTube songs.
It's not artists or record companies making videos unavailable, it's something at YouTube's end. I see this 'video unavailable' a lot on embedded YouTube videos now, even my own videos I made myself for my own website so I know there are no copyright issues and the videos are still there. Videos work one day then not the next and Chordify is exactly the same.
Logging out of Chordify, then clearing every last bit of browsing data from the browser, then logging back in usually works for a while and videos then play, then it starts again all over and round you go again. And it's pain as it logs you out of every website everywhere as well.
The cynic in my can't help feeling Google breaking embedded videos and maybe forcing more people to go to YouTube itself to watch them could be deliberate to generate more visits and more ads.
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