Jerky motion



  • Jason Humphrey

    Yes, I noticed this maybe a couple of updates ago.  The app for iOS is almost unusable now as sometimes it can be several beats behind the chord changes.  I also have to wait around 4-6 seconds after clicking buttons; i.e. close button for the song, capo button, etc. before the app will actually respond.  A lot of times I have to click buttons multiple times now.  I really struggle to use the app now which is very upsetting considering I pay for a premium membership.

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  • Larry

    I agree. Do you know how to contact Chordify about this problem? They don’t appear to have a customer service you can contact.

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  • Jason Humphrey

    I have logged a support ticket because of this issue. I can let you know when I get a response back.

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  • Derek Geldart

    I am experiencing the same issue. They must not have upgraded their app with the least iOS update

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  • Detlef Dransch

    I now also have the same problem.  I recently upgraded upgraded to iPadOS 18.1.1.  The problem is especially bad (app is unuseable) in the 'Diagrams' mode.  

    Hopefully, Chordify will address this soon.   Please let us know if there is a plan in place.

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  • Richard

    I suddenly have the same problem. I spent months trying to get resolution to my set lists reverting to the top after every song I played. Finally, a fellow guitarist on this forum advised me to create a duplicate set list which solved that problem. Now, this nonsense. I have found that logging into their website rather than using the app negates this problem. The app is now virtually unusable. I am real sick of this BS from chordify. I am searching for an alternative app to replace it.

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  • Carol

    Having exact same problem. I notified them weeks ago. Have corresponded with a Chordify tech “Henry”. Told him my IPad had been updated to 18.1.1 and that was when I noticed the lagging, jumpy curser. I’m so frustrated—app is practically unusable. is the address for Henry.

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  • Detlef Dransch

    Chordify has acknowledged the problem, but provided no indication of when it might be fixed.

    As Richard stated, they also suggested using the website from a browser on my iPad as well as switching to use my phone or my computer.  But, my iPad is what I use to the practice; the other devices are not suitable options.   I did a brief test of browser/webpage/iPad; it seems to work.  It is not as easy as using the app, but it is workable...for now.

    If this is not fixed by the time of my renewal, I will reconsider my options.

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  • garth dallman

    Guessing Chordify just wants money and not address the issue
    You cannot contact them
    Very disappointed as it worked for me for years

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  • Ross Brabham

    How come all these problems differ whether you use an Ipad or smart-phone or computer, or computer logon or app login, or IOS or Apple, etc etc etc.

    Surely (and I would expect) the Chordify software to play consistently across all platforms and devices the same.

    All this is nuts and just sounds ridiculous.   Cheers. 

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  • Detlef Dransch

    Problem works again!

    Following advice from Chordify, I upgraded my iPad to iPadOS 18.2 and the problem was solved.

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  • Carol

    I also upgraded my IPad to 18.2 today and no longer have the problem

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