Ability for any user to manually set the tempo, not just change the speed



  • Bob

    This is another great idea.

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  • Alan

    Totally agree

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  • Bartholomew Sciacca

    Definitely a necessity

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  • Gabriel

    Upwote! This has been my wish for a couple of years now.

    You find a self speaking example in:

    The song has an absolutely constant beat, and the chords follow a perfectly regular sequence.
    However, the singer maroon5 inserts a 2 beat break at the end of each bar 12 (line 3) and bar 36 (line 9).

    The algorithm gets confused by those breaks, and sets pretty random beat durations in lines 2, 3 and 36. As a consequence, the cord sequence looks different on those line while it's truly the same.
    It's surely impossible to get the algorithm 100% correct. So, a manual way of adjusting the duration of each beat as well as inserting and removing beats would be a great addon.



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