Custom Chord Voicing Feature



  • Lev

    If I could upvote this more than once, I'd be clicking all night. How am I supposed to improve a song if I can't put in a custom voicing and/or fingering? Right now, I wanted to put in a G6(no5) uke fingering, and found it impossible. :-(

    This is ESSENTIAL.

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  • Jeff

    I agree! Please provide a way to edit chord fingering. It would be great to make custom fingering part of a shared database so that great chords can be up-voted and shared. I ran into this on the second song I wanted to play (Wildfire), where the first chord is like an E variation, but it is actually played at the 6th fret in the original recording.

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  • Jeffrey Dann

    i agree with you!

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  • Joaquin Hernandez

    Absolutely! When teaching students sometimes the provided chord voicings/fingerings are tough to manage. Some students find it hard to substitute what they are playing vs what they are seeing (chord diagrams). Perhaps a drop-down list of common chord voicings to choose from (or inversions for keyboard).

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  • Brian Edwards

    Four years old. Inconceivable. I mean, it is right there. Just allow me to customize which G I am playing per song.

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