Can you add a chord option "Madd9"



  • Norm


    are you sure you want to change the F# to F#add9? I have checked several versions of Hotel California and while they use F#7 I don't see add9's or add7's in the song at all. You have me confused on this one 

    You can add F#9 or  F#M9 &F#maj9 which are the same chord but I don't add where any add chords can be added.

    Sorry I don't have the answer...


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  • Alan Wong

    Yes. I play ukulele. It may sound different if you play guitar.  I particularly want the last bar in the fourth line changed to F#add9 then  F#sus2 at the last bit before the chorus. Basically I don't want to use F#7 in the song. I would keep many of the F# there. Major9 or dominant 9  are hard to play on ukulele and may not sound good in the song.

    F#add9 is easy. It is just a bar chord 1121 

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  • Norm

    I show F#add9 the same shaping in Ukulele as in Guitar without sounding the LowE or A string on the guitar. only the Ukulele chord chart I have refers to it as Gbadd9 which is the same chord...However it is irrelevant because I don't see where Chordify can insert and "add" chords at all...

    Have you tried support? 

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