Karaoke "sing along"... NOT



  • DGM

    I agree - the lyrics are often impossible to read....  would be great if you could make the you tube screen larger or even better would be allow the you tube screen to be a floating new window so you could use two monitors - one for lyrics and one for music.

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  • David

    Dude- are you my brother from a different mother???
    That is exactly what I am talking about. OMG!!!
    I just wrote back to “Henry” with Chordify. He wrote to me regarding my thoughts. He heiterated the fact that it’s not a singing platform and the algorithms don’t set themselves up for singing... Although, as I pointed out to him, they are promoting a sing-along feature on their website!
    I run a small Karaoke Club and the software I use, does exactly that. Two screens, I drag one over for the singer to see, while I see all the “stuff” required to run the show. Audio control, list of sings, who up next... etc.
    Currently, as I mentioned to Henry. I am using my phone’s camera and zooming in. It’s my hope to perhaps upgrade to a webcam and plug into a laptop. Not sure.
    Anyway- love your thoughts, glad I’m not the only one thinking like this.
    Also- a big shoutout to the folks that drummed up this program! Because of their efforts, me a terrible piano player, is now playing with Bob “freck’n” Dylan! Elton John, Frank Sinatra....
    Love it.
    Play on!!!

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  • Johanna Rennhoff

    Floating new window is a great idea!

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  • David

    Currently working through a FaceTime set up.
    Having some internet issues now!
    I tried a lightning connector w/ HDMI out to a monitor. But after $300, all I had was a slightly larger image of my phone. Not good! It’s all going back! Ugh!!!
    Thanks and stay in touch as “we” work through this.
    Cheers - enjoy the Fourth!

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  • johnjames

    that words  are very small some time i feel very bad to read 


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  • David

    The font size is NOT a Chordify "thing"! IT's a YouTube thing! 

    The FaceTime really works well. Zoom in with the camera phone and beam it over to your IPad! BOOM! your in.



    Font size... ain't their problem! :)



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  • Arthur

    Great suggestion here, upvoting.

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  • Curtis Avison

    short of the long, it wouldn't be hard for chordify to reconfig the youtube video to be a pop out screen so people could reconfigure the window to the size they want. This would only be available on computer as a phone would be too small but you should be able to click something on an ipad to make it 100%, 200%, 400% larger ..I have been dreaming of this upgrade for a while so i could sing along with the music i am playing but i can't see the words


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  • David

    Certainly agree!!!
    Would love to have an option to make the YouTube screen flip with the chord screen! That way you can learn the chords, then flip the screen to learn the words.
    I agree (and understand) the YouTube portion of the program is not part of the responsibility of Chordify. How that screen “looks”, font type and size, cannot be altered- I get that… but by making the “window” LARGER, would certainly improve the visual quality of whatever YouTube is sending.
    Hopefully, someone is viewing this chat room and can offer this as a suggestion to the “higher ups”!
    Thanks for keeping this thread alive! Playing Chords is fine- but it get’s boring after awhile. If Chordify wants to keep it’s fan base, it’s going to have to evolve and offer some items that we the “buying public” are asking about.
    Or- they are going to lose market share.
    Hopefully- we’re being heard.
    Stay well and play on!

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  • Loi Van

    It has been 4 years since this issue about karaoke lyric screen being too small to read. As of June 2024 Chordify has NOT improved or solved this issue. Solving this issue could give Chordify a huge advantage.
    Too bad no one is doing anything about it.

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  • David

    3 years, where did that time go? :)

    For whatever reason Clordify spent a lot of time (and I assume money) on getting the lyric line on many of the songs to "kinda" sync up with and under the chords. Nice, but still tough to sing to because the words don't move like the song on the YouTube versions do!  Lots of effort for NOT THAT MUCH FUN! Sorry....

    I still don't understand why the YouTube screen simply can't be made LARGER!!!  To me, who is NOT a computer guy, it seems fairly simple.... You practice a song learn all the chords (kinda). Learn all the inversions (kinda) all from the "standard" screen. Then, if you (or a singing partner) want to SING the song, then you simply "click" on the YouTube screen  to "switch" sizes. The two screens flip-flop... The Clordify becomes the YouTube screen size and the YouTube becomes the size of the Clordify! Simple....

    What I would love, also... is a way to "beam" Clordify to another device for another musician to be playing at the same time, on the same beat!! Say I want to play in church. I play the piano and the organist plays the pipe organ. How do we sync up our timing IF I'm the one using the computer and Clordify. There should be a way to "screen share" so we both see and play at the same time! 

    Does anyone form Clordify read these messages?? Help- anyone listening?? :)



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  • Curtis Avison

    I agree David. Just make the video have the pop out ability. As far as beaming to another person, i actually do it at my church too with another guy buy just running an HDMI cord to a portable computer screen so i am playing off my computer and duplicating the screen to the other screen. 
    One other tip i have found is for when we change key on a song you can actually download a chrome extension that can change the key live, works out but throws off the timing of the audio to the exact chordify cords by a little bit but not enough to cause major issues. 

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  • Curtis Avison

    PS some stems platforms are catching up very quickly and will ultimately allow for the replacement of chordify if these types of items cant be resolved. I am currently messing with Moises which i can do on my computer, and on an app. The chord feature isn't great as it doesn't align all the time but as i said...other options are catching up. I have been a huge supporter of chordify for a few years but we need responses to our voices. 

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