Change Pitch
Transposing chords is really helpful. Ability to change the Pitch of the song/video would be INCREDIBLE. Then we could play along with the song in the transposed key. I have the Premium version and I would pay extra for that feature.
I think you would be better of using the Capo feature instead of transposing chords... if as an example, Landslide by Fleetwood Mac is written in the Key of Bb.... chords Bb, Cm, Em and a couple of F's and Gm thrown....
If you want to raise the pitch, changing the chord shapes, which i thing you are trying to do, pet still be able to play along with the song, simply place the capo on the 3rd fret and will have changed the chord shapes to C-Am-G-D etc without changing the Key of the song and you will be in tune with the video but with easier chord shapes.
Hope that helps
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