Minimum playback time to add a song to history
This happens often with songs that YouTube returns "video not available in your region" errors on. It's frustrating to try to remember which version of a song in your history will actually play back. Another variation is when you realize that a song has been modified (usually a key shift up or down a half-step) or the title or artist is incorrect.
It would be nice to have a user-defined toggle for "don't add songs played less than x seconds to history" option.
As an add on to this request ... I play bass with a ukulele group and use Chordify to practice the songs. But the group tends to play in a different key than the original popularly recorded song. I often have to open up a lot of different versions of the same song to find one in the right key, and each time I open up a song to look, it gets added to my history. I would like it if instead of adding to history when you open a song, you add to history when you open and then click PLAY.
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