Chord shapes and Inversions



  • Anthony

    I'd like to second this request! In some videos it's obvious what chords are being played, and it annoys me that you can't  improve the accuracy of the songs by selecting the precise chord used. As OP states, sometimes an inversion is so much easier within the chord progression too. 

    It would change the Chorify versions of songs from 'good enough' to 'spot on'. A worthwhile endeavour surely?

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  • Kenneth

    Yes, I agree. After working with chordify for a while I would now like to work with inversions, and thus learn them slowly.

    Just a few songs on chordify would be ok with a button (like the “simplify chords button” to change over from normal chords to 1st inversions, 2nd inversions etc. This way I could practice the chord inversions easier than having to work them out myself the whole time.

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  • Dustin Chapman

    I also agree, for example instead of playing a D-flat from the first fret, I would rather play a barred version of the D flat on a song with chord shapes like these:

    It would be fantastic to be able to switch out that D flat above for this D flat because it transitions much easier into the A flat on the same Fret.

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