Show chords in search results
PlannedWhen searching for a song it would be helpful if the results included the chords.
This is already available in the "similar to" list when playing a particular song, so should not be difficult to implement?
Official comment
Hello, thanks for your post. This is something we're working on for the future! I can't confirm a timeframe yet, but keep your eye out :)
If there's anything else we can help with, please reach out to:
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Hi everyone.
Yesterday I was just thinking this when a friend was trying out his new barritone ukulele, and another person said they liked to sing and play songs in the Key of G.
So yes, as the Key is in all the song headings information it would be good to be able to use this to, say, search songs in the Key of G.
All the best from Ross from New Zealand.
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