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Transposing means changing the key (pitch) of the entire song up or down.
The transposing tool has two functions:
- It shows you in which key the song is written, handy for improvising etc.
- It transposes the key of the song one semitone up or down with every click and simultaneously provides you with chord diagrams that fit all the different keys.
It can be very helpful if you like to match the chords of a song to your voice range. If hitting that high note in the vocal line seems impossible you can try it with the chords in a lower key.
Transposing also enables you to play more songs without having to learn lots of new chords.
You can search for a new key where the chords are easier using the transpose feature. The song will still be recognisable, but it will be in a different key.
Please note that transposing changes the key and the chords, but not the key of the song that you hear in our player. Therefore, the new found chords and the original sound don’t match anymore.
But we have a solution for this. Use the ‘’song volume’’ to turn the original sound down and turn up the ‘’chord volume’’ to hear the transposed example of the chords. You can play along to these new chords!
> To transpose chords on the Chordify website:
Click the up or down arrows with the Transpose feature to transpose all the chords one semitone up or down.
> To transpose chords on the Chordify Android or iOS app:
Tap the Transpose tab, and tap the up or down arrows to transpose all the chords one semitone up or down.
Tip: Also, check out the Capo tool below: it helps you find easier chords without changing the key of a song.
A capo is a clamp you put on the strings of your guitar or ukulele that helps you to play easier chord shapes, without changing the key of the song.
The capo will act as a barre instead of your finger. And so using a capo will allow you to play more easy, open chords instead of the more finger stressing barre chords.
If you don’t know that many chords by heart, the capo feature is an easy way for you to play more songs. Just move the digital capo up and down the digital fretboard. You will notice that the chord diagrams change when you move the digital capo. You can find a capo position where the chords are easiest for you and instantly play along.
Using the capo doesn’t change the key of the song, it shows you chords that sound like the original chords, but are shaped differently. So your guitar and the song on Chordify will still sound in tune. This is one of the differences with transposing.
> To use the Capo on the Chordify website:
Click on the Capo feature above the chords and move the capo to the desired fret.
> To use the Capo on the Chordify Android or iOS app:
Tap on the Capo feature above the chords and move the capo to the desired fret.
Please note that you need a real capo to play along with the new chord shapes provided by the digital capo.
This is the place where you can manage the volume of the song and chords in the player.
Tip: Turn the Song volume down and the chord volume up to only hear the chords.
You can adjust the Song volume up and down. You may prefer the original sound of the song to not be too loud, or may even want it muted first while you practice the chords. You can do this with the Song volume slider.
Then we have the Chords volume toggle - you can pump up the Chords volume to extract the sound of the chords, hear exactly what to play and learn the song more quickly.
It will sound like a simplified audio track that gives you an example of what the chords should sound like. It uses a MIDI piano sound for this audio.
Another use for this is if you just used the Transpose feature and want to play along with the new key. In this case, you can adjust the Song volume toggle down and the Chords volume up to hear only the chords in the new key.
BPM (Beats per Minute)
Play at your own tempo! When you want to practice a song but the chord changes are still a bit too fast for you, you can slow the song down.
This tool allows you to play the song faster or slower by changing the beats per minute (BPM). Depending on the song source (YouTube, Deezer, or File), you'll have different speeds available to allow you to play the song faster or slower.
> Changing playback speed on the Chordify website:
The original tempo is displayed as 100%, with the BPM displayed below. Clicking the right arrow will increase the tempo, clicking the left arrow will decrease the tempo.
> Changing playback speed on the Chordify Android or iOS app:
Tap the Tempo button to toggle the feature on / off. The original tempo is displayed as 1.00. Tapping the up arrow will increase the tempo, tapping the down arrow will decrease the tempo.
The loop feature allows you to repeat a specific part of a song over and over and over again until you nail it. This is an awesome feature that will help you learn difficult parts of a song.
> To use Loop on the Chordify website:
- Click the Loop option in the toolbar to toggle the feature on/off.
- Click and drag over the selection you would like to loop.
- The loop will repeat until you turn the feature off, by clicking the Loop or X button.
> To use Loop on the Chordify Android or iOS app:
- Tap the Loop option to toggle the feature on/off.
- Select your loop sequence by tapping a square, dragging and releasing.
- The loop will repeat until you tap the Loop option again.
Tip: To learn challenging parts more easily, you can also use the loop in combination with the tempo feature to slow down the part you need to practice and learn it extra fast.
MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. The main function of MIDI is to exchange data between digital musical instruments and computers. So by downloading the chord progression in MIDI, we help you as a producer to use the chords in your digital audio workstation (DAW) software with any instrument you like.
The MIDI files on Chordify do not contain full instrumentation, only the generated on-screen chords.
There are two MIDI download options with Chordify:
1) A time aligned version that will match the exact timing of the original audio recording. This is ideal for importing into a digital audio workstation (Cubase, Ableton, Logic, Pro Tools, etc.) in order to add additional harmonies, and you can also use this version to create amazing bass lines with the Chordify bassline track.
2) A fixed tempo version which is great for creating sheet music using any score-writing software package (Finale, Sibelius, Musescore, etc.)
> To export a MIDI file on the Chordify website:
Click the Menu button (three dots), and you will see the download options.
> To export a MIDI file on the Chordify Android or iOS app:
Tap the Menu icon in the top right-hand corner, and select Export to MIDI, and you will see the download options.
Note: To use this feature on the app, you will need to grant Chordify permission to access your file storage.
There are a few things to keep in mind that will help you to get the most out of the Chordify MIDI files:
Set your digital audio workstation to use the right tempo. Setting your workstation to the right tempo is important to get the right chord timings. Unfortunately, not all workstations import this tempo automatically from the MIDI data, and it might be necessary to manually set the tempo of your project. To make this as easy as possible the downloaded MIDI file name will contain the right tempo.
To create amazing bass lines with the Chordify bass-line track, open a time-aligned MIDI file in your audio workstation. You will find two tracks: one track with the upper notes of the chords, and another track with the bass notes of the chords. Having two tracks makes it easy to assign different instruments to the chords and the bass line.
Download PDF chord sheet and Printing
Printing a chord sheet can be very practical when you want to limit your screen time, or are heading for a place where the internet connection is bad/unavailable. The chords on the PDF are displayed as a chord sheet with the names of the chords included, and a list of the chord diagrams on the last page. So if you’re looking for the chord sheet, the Download PDF option is where to find it.
Tip: The Offline Mode (see further below) can also be handy to save songs and access them offline. When you use the Capo or Transpose feature, the changes will automatically show in the PDF.
To print the on-screen chords in a basic chord chart form, click the Menu button (three dots) and select Print this page.
> To download the PDF Chord sheet on the Chordify website:
Click the Menu button (three dots) and select Download PDF
> To download the PDF Chord sheet on the Chordify Android or iOS app:
Tap the Menu icon in the top right-hand corner, and select Export to PDF.
Note: To use this feature on the app, you will need to grant Chordify permission to access your file storage.
Setlists is a feature where you can create customized song lists for any mood or occasion - you can pick, arrange and name the songs however you like.
You can add songs to a new or existing Setlist from the songpage by clicking the + icon next to the song title:
You can find your complete Setlists collection by going to My Music Profile > Setlists. Here you can also create new Setlists, add or remove songs, rename the lists, and arrange the track order.
Offline Mode
On the Chordify app, you can add songs to Offline Mode to keep them accessible anytime, anywhere. This doesn't include the original audio of the song, but does include the chord diagrams, metronome and chord audio. You will automatically enter Offline Mode when you don't have an available internet connection on your device.
Adding and playing a song in Offline Mode
> To add a song to Offline Mode in the Chordify Android or iOS app:
- Tap the Menu icon in the top right-hand corner
- Select Add to Offline Mode.
- Find your song in My library
You can remove the track from Offline mode by clicking the Menu icon again, this time clicking Remove from Offline Mode.
Uploading Songs
Add your own music to your Chordify library and let our algorithm have its way with it. Use the player, download your chord sheet and more!
> To upload a song using the Chordify website:
Click the Upload Song button next to the Search field at the top of the page.
> To upload a song using the Chordify Android or iOS app:
Tap on the Chordify tab, and you will then see the option 'Import a song'.
Supported file types for uploading are MP3, MP4 and OGG, with a maximum duration of 20 minutes and maximum file size of 32MB.
Note: To use this feature on the app, you will need to grant Chordify permission to access your file storage.